“I loved the session today! Thank you! Everything I’ve seen you post and email has touched me in one way or another! Being able to participate in a group setting with you and other like-minded women is like a dream come true! I’m looking forward to future sessions!” - Martina
You’re busy. I’m busy. We’re all busy, busy, busy. Never taking the time to be quiet, still, reflect.
You know how much better you would feel if you just took 5 minutes (3, even) to close your eyes and breathe. And yet, days, weeks, or even months go by and it doesn’t happen - at least, not often enough. But that’s about to change!
Join me for Sanctuary 22! My birthday is the 22nd and the number 22 has always been a powerful, healing number in my life. Did you know…the number 22 is a sign of:
* spiritual wisdom
* dreams becoming reality
* living a life of purpose
* powerful angelic vibration
* personal strength and power
* and our inner divinity
This women’s healing circle is open to 22 women and it will be our time to connect with our highest self, spirit team, and source.
We will meet twice a month for 22 minutes to release the hurt, fears, and blocks that are holding us back; do some healing work; and embrace our divine feminine power.
All sessions are available to women worldwide and will happen via Facebook Live. The clearing and healing portions of the session will be recorded for you to revisit or get caught up and the Facebook group is always available for members to share their experience, ask for support, and reach out to other like-minded women.
Sessions will alternate between mid-day and evening time slots to accommodate different schedules. This program is an ongoing membership-style series, however you may cancel at any time.
See you in the group!
“I missed the session today, but I enjoyed being a part of the recording. I felt very present in the group.” - Michelle