Make the most of an eclipse....

Make the most of an eclipse....

Eclipse Energies In general, eclipses tend to be times of transformation. This specific eclipse was a time to heal old wounds as well as taking your life in a new direction and grounding into that future-you energy. Pretty exciting, right?

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What exactly IS a "Soul Coach?'

What exactly IS a "Soul Coach?'

As far as I know, there is no formal description for the job of “Soul Coach.” However, I would guess anyone who has given themselves that title is trying to get across the point they want to work with clients on a deeper level, acting as a guide and a mentor, as the client explores various areas of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment with the aims of witnessing the client’s greater sense of fulfillment and a personal transformation. Of course, we each have our own passions, toolbox, education, etc to help you get there, so I’d like to delve a little deeper into what that might look like with me…

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100 Books, 365 Days, 1 Woman's Journey

100 Books, 365 Days, 1 Woman's Journey

This year, I decided to participate in the #100bookchallenge. As we speak, I’m at 93 books which is “6 books ahead of schedule” according to Goodreads (click the link to see my list of books) - and I still have a month and a half to go. I don’t tell you this to brag but to celebrate a variety of “wins,” personal reflections, and inspire you in your own goal setting - not only did I pick a goal and stick to it, but I also learned a lot (mostly about myself) along the way.

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