trapped in labels
mother. Leader. Bitch. Introvert.
As women we get put in so many different roles that come with a host of expectations. These roles start in childhood with our parents but build upon us as we make friends, venture into society and even get married. The weight of these expectations can be overwhelming, if not unbearable.
But the worst part is, we allow it. We often don’t even realize the labels we are carrying and how we let them limit us. Without awareness and effort, these labels can end up feeling like a cage.
Stop getting stuck in labels.
The important thing to remember is: the labels themselves are neither good nor bad. They are just words, categories. Humans use words to try to express and explain their life experience and convey it to other humans.
But the problem is, these words and categories are not as expansive as we are. Sort of like a game of telephone, we each attach slightly different meaning to the words until their definitions are so muddied they lose their value.
In other words, we all define these labels differently and so when we hear them, we assume different things about the person that may or may not be true. Often we also attach a “goodness” or “badness” to them as well.
Let me give you an example. What comes to mind when you hear the following words:
Wisdom is often defined as experienced and knowledgeable. However, wise can also be used to describe the aged or someone who tells frequently jokes or mouths-off. Sometimes it is reserved solely for older gentlemen or religious icons. Or maybe your gut response was an owl or a story about 3 men from the Bible.
The word “hippie” might be used to describe someone who free-loads, is unreliable, loves flowers and/or smells funny. However, a hippie might instead be someone who is full of self-expression, in tune with nature, and/or avoids the toxins in commercial products.
And a challenge might be perceived as an affirmation of potential and an opening of doors, but it might also be considered a hard limit on your abilities and options. Or maybe a challenging person has a mental or physical handicap, a behavior disorder, or has high expectations and firm boundaries.
The point is, words are just words. And, while they can be quite powerful,
Words can’t limit you unless you let them.
In a perfect world, we might ditch all labels - and that expansiveness might be our future - but for now let’s focus on climbing out of the boxes we’ve been put in by others and redefine the labels we CHOOSE carry.
Who are you?
Who do you want to be?
It’s totally ok if you don’t know.
In fact, it is a fluid thing and will always be changing.
But that doesn’t mean you don’t need to figure it out.
“Beth is a caring, gentle, passionate person. As I have gotten to know her, it has become evident to me that she has a great desire to help people.
Beth’s passion for encouraging women to live a healthy lifestyle is right in line with how she raises her family and lives her own life. I would recommend Beth as a business professional to anyone.”
That's where I come in.
together we will:
revisit your labels,
energetically clear out anything that isn’t serving you,
tune in to your soul to find out who you really want (and are meant) to be,
And create a life you love to live.
my journey to self acceptance
I Wouldn’t Ask For Anything Else.
My journey to self-acceptance has been a rough road. After years of self-abuse, self-sabotage, and living a “normal” life designed by others, I was miserable.
Physically, I was suffering from chronic UTIs, living in food-allergy hell, and my list of medical providers was rapidly expanding.
Mentally, I was always irritated with myself and others, sinking in anxiety and depression quicksand, and nothing was ever good enough.
And, spiritually… well, quite honestly - I was bankrupt. I was angry with God. I wasn’t doing anything to care for my vessel. And I had no connection to my inner self, current life path, or soul plan.
I Knew Deep In My Heart And Soul That There Had To Be A Better Way. And So I Went In Search Of It.
I knew my answer to true wellness required a comprehensive, holistic (whole-life) approach. I knew wasn’t going to get – and STAY! - better just by eating better and exercising more. I needed more. And I needed to dig deep.
So, I went back to school. I already had a Masters in Biology, but wanted to learn about alternative options. I studied integrative nutrition, chakra clearing, medical intuitive touch, wellness recovery, mental health first aid, and a host of other alternative healing modalities.
And now I use all that to help women like you!
Whether you need/want physical, mental, or soul/spiritual support, I’m here for you.
Working with me is a little hard to “label” because it tends to be different based on your needs.
If you just want to learn to eat healthier in a easy and sustainable way, I can help you with that.
And if you are struggling with deep life purpose stuff or intense grief, I’ve got you covered there too.
Most clients are somewhere in the middle. Whether the itch grew slowly or hit with a bang one morning, you’re probably here because, like those other clients, you’ve decided
life sucks and something needs to change.
There’s probably not some big hairy crisis happening, but daily life isn’t all you think it can, and should, be.
You want (and deserve!) more.
So let’s figure out what that is and go get it!
“I would describe Beth as a role model. She has been so inspirational. Beth has been kind, gentle, loving, strong, and graceful. Beth is a leader and a gift to women and humanity.
The past six months of support has given me a lifetime of valuable knowledge. I’m fortunate I was able to have this experience. I am now becoming who I’ve always wanted to be. I am confident and can recognize what was holding me back.
Beth, you’ve inspired and coached me to be a stronger, healthier mommy. You’re the best!!! xoxoxoxo”