love, light & possibilities
Hey there, mama!
Does all the recent talk about the healing benefits of energy, meditation, spirit guides, witchery, gratitude and/or intuition have you intrigued?
Have you noticed that, despite your best efforts to try to be healthy, you’re still tired, frustrated and maybe even a little depressed?
Is your social circle dwindling as you find you are bored with the same-old drama and surface-level chatter?
I know how disheartening all that can feel, but have you considered: instead of it being a sign of dysfunction and lack on your part, maybe…
you are on a path of awakening
Your mind, body and spirit are going through something deep, and profoundly spiritual!
And that is hard on a body!
But it is also something to celebrate!
Unfortunately, we often feel like freaks when this shift happens.
Like we no longer fit in with our friends and families.
Like our job is stifling us and our spouse doesn’t “get” us.
And the banality of our lives is
suffocating our soul.
Join the Club!
Well, sister, You. are. not. alone.
Hear that?
You are 100% not alone in feeling that way. Or in experiencing that heart-breaking confusion, fear, and frustration.
There are women like you in your very own town, throughout your state, all over your country, who are quietly taking over the world!
Some of them are:
and more!
earth angels
rainbow, indigo or crystal children
star seeds
It doesn’t matter what they call themselves, or don’t. What matters is they are also awakening and seeking friends like you!
“I loved the session today! Thank you! Everything I’ve seen you post and email has touched me in one way or another! Being able to participate in a group setting with you and other like-minded women is like a dream come true! I’m looking forward to future sessions! ”
And that is why I started
Sanctuary 22
Why 22? My birthday is the 22nd and the number 22 has always been a powerful, healing number in my life. Did you know, the number 22 is a sign of:
spiritual wisdom
dreams becoming reality
living a life of purpose
powerful angelic vibrations
personal strength and power
and our inner divinity
And with the support of all that 22 Power, I have opened a sanctuary for women like you. In Sanctuary 22:
I guide you to reconnect with your intuition, source, and spirit guides.
We practice meditation and explore a variety of energy healing modalities.
All in a way that’s easy to comprehend and implement.
And we work through those feelings of fatigue, frustration, and depressiveness by opening your eyes to the key element your wellness plan has been missing!
(Hint: it’s your SPIRITUAL wellness.)
And, we do all this in a supportive group fashion so you’ll always feel like you have a tribe who “gets” you and somewhere you can turn for support, answers, and guidance when you need it.
This women’s healing circle is open to 22 women and it is our time to connect with our highest self, spirit team, and source.
Sounds great, right? It truly is. Whether you are new to spiritual exploration, a seasoned meditator, or a trained energy healer, this group is for you. I hope you will join us!
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise I look forward to seeing you in the group!
“I really enjoyed today, pulled into an empty parking lot so I wouldn’t miss it. Letting go of what no longer serves me & the unzipping really helped me! Thank you Beth!”
“I hope everyone felt my pulses of light and joy around our circle. I saw us all sitting with hands joined, and my light was pulsing out from both sides, through my hands, flowing around our circle, encompassing all of us.”
All sessions are available online to women worldwide. Membership is reserved for 22 adult, female participants.
Sessions will occur on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 11:22am Denver/US Mountain time (unless otherwise noted) and will last 20-60 minutes.
All sessions will be recorded for you to revisit (or get caught up).
The membership area is always available for members to share their experience, ask for support, and reach out to other like-minded women.
What happens in a session?
All sessions are designed to support you in embracing your divine feminine power.
We will begin each session with an update regarding the energy of the Earth, moon and/or collective that you may be experiencing.
This is followed by an educational segment in which we will learn about a new energy healing process or modality.
We will then do a general energy clearing to release the hurt, fears, and blocks that are holding us back. If applicable, members will then be connected energetically for the highest good.
Next, I will guide the group through the energetic process described in the educational segment so that you can practice and experience the modality.
We will end with a sharing circle and questions.
This program is designed to be a support group where women can come together and connect with one another, ask for support, and lift each other up.
Therefore, the fee for this program is an ongoing membership-style subscription. Sessions are $22 each, paid out via Paypal Subscription at $66/quarter or $262/year.
Annual memberships come with a FREE T-shirt.
Cancellations and Refunds
You are welcome to remain a member of Sanctuary 22 as long as the program is of benefit to you. You may also cancel at any time.
Due to the volume of recordings available in the membership area, once you have accessed to the content, no refunds can be given.
“I missed the session today, but I enjoyed being a part of the recording. I felt very present in the group.”
“SO glad I joined today! Thank you! Your voice is so soothing!!!!!!! I LOVE it!”
Program bonus
In addition to the monthly sessions, you will also have access to:
Monthly Q/A sessions!
During this time you can ask me anything - program content or otherwise! (Answers will be phrased to benefit all members of the program.)
Q/A Session will occur on the 3rd Monday of every month at 7pm Denver/US Mountain time (unless otherwise noted) and will last 30 minutes.