Good health, rooted happiness, and lasting love...
I recently listened to a TED Talk by Anjali Kumar who went on a quest to "find God" and learned that regardless of race, religion, economic status, career path, family dynamics, and so on...people across the world all hope, desire, wish and pray for the same 3 things:
good health
rooted/sustainable happiness
and lasting love
And for me,
a light bulb went off!
Because, coincidentally
(I think not)
these 3 basic desires
we have as humans
are also all benefits achieved by
living from a place of authentic gratitude!
What Anjali learned, and many of us already know, is that it doesn't matter what you call it.
We are always connected to one another and our "source" - but we can strengthen those connections by living authentically from the very essence of who we are!
Would you like some support, guidance, and camaraderie
as you rewire your thoughts?
Check in with your actions?
And dig into the true essence of YOU?
Vibrational Healing Through Gratitude is designed to be an extension of my book - Cultivating Gratitude.
This transformational class includes many of the tried-and-true exercises found in my book - known to improve physical health, mental vigor, and spiritual well-being...
But it will also include NEW INFO - how gratitude affects your energetic body as well. You see, having a gratitude practice is more than "just":
a new habit
a different way of thinking
raising your awareness
feeling appreciation
relationship building
or a spiritual experience
It is a vibrational shift.
One that affects every part of your being,
but also your family & friends,
ACQUAINTANCES & "enemies,"
and the world.
This life-changing course includes:
Educational Materials & Exercises - over 5 hours of informational content, meditations, visualizations, Q/A and more!
Journal Prompts - Suggested journal prompts and points of reflection.
Online Classroom - Hosting all recordings, journal activities, Q&A, and the Community.
Community Forum - A place to gather, ask questions and foster new friendships.
Paperback copy of Cultivating Gratitude
All participants receive lifetime access to the content.