Book Bonuses


Calling all Cultivating Gratitude book owners!

Did you know you were entitled to 12+ bonus (read: FREE!) items when you purchased my book? 

Many of you forgot to claim them! So, I'm giving you a second chance!

Email me and I'll send them to you straight away!

To support your journey through the book, you get a free one-on-one Strategy Session with me!

I've also put together the following files to make your journey through this gratitude process a bit easier.

  • "Honor Your Intuition" meditation audio file
  • "Seeds of Gratitude" printable PDF
  • PDF version of the entire book (great for printing or reading on a device)


And I'll share with you my 3 part video & PDF series (6 files) explaining this process:

  • Power of Thought
  • Gratitude as an Attitude
  • Outside In and Inside Out

But wait, there's more ;) You'll also receive access to:

  • My Interviews with Heidi Symonds and Nikki Jensen (3 total)
  • Access to the Facebook Community Support Group for this book
  • A list of my favorite Relaxation Techniques 

And, regardless of whether you have the book or not, you can always:

  • Sign up for my newsletter to receive my 3 Favorite Tools for soul-centered, intuitive living sent straight to your inbox. These tools include audio and PDF files for experiencing my: Cleansing Prayer (non-denominational), Cord Cutting, and Healing Light Meditation. By signing up you'll also get articles, tips, e-classes, and events. 
  • Visit my classroom for more free resources, like my Chakra Basics, Food & Mood Journaling, & Hidden Toxins and Your Health. My classroom also has affordable classes on Overcoming Fears, Healing through Gratitude, and Aligning with Your Destiny!

Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy these resources!

Like everything in this world these days, my success really is based on word-of-mouth. Please take a few minutes to show your gratitude by leaving this book a review on on Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble. 

Don't have your copy of the book yet?

I'm currently SOLD OUT but you can still order on Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble.

Didn't buy your book directly from me? 

Meaning you bought it at a book store or online. No problem! Simply email me with proof of purchase* and I'll hook you up with the bonuses straight away. 

* Proof of purchase includes: receipt, photo of you with your book, or a few sentences about your favorite parts of the book.