Matrix Exit Strategist

The other day I received an IG follow from a woman I didn’t recognize and we didn’t have any mutual friends. Exciting right? Someone found me and my biz and likes it! Right?

So I look a little closer…she’s a mom, freedom fighter, home schoolers AND she describes herself as a Matrix Exit Strategist. I’m in love. We are bound to be new best friends I’m sure.

Well, I look a little more and she has a nice following of 900-something but is following 4000 or so accounts. Red flag. It occurs to me she likely didn’t even look at my profile, she just hit follow on EVERYONE IG recommended for her.

Oh well. No biggie. I can still check in with the universe and see if there’s a reason she showed up in my sphere. So I have a little chat with God and my intuition and its this fabulous term of “Matrix Exit Strategist” that I’m meant to explore.

You see, the truth is, for as amazing as that first sounded to me I quickly also realized that it isn’t right. It’s not ok. At least, not for me. I’ve been on a bit of a journey the last decade or so and my current jaunt is about rediscovery. I had reacquainted myself with the term “starseed” just the day before (it’d been nudging me for a while, but I was finally willing to listen and look at it again). 

Somewhere along the way, I got distracted from my starseed mission and jumped on the Matrix Exit Strategy train. I just didn’t realize it. I got so fixated on what the world was doing. I got overwhelmed by all the things our world had become that I just wanted to escape. I couldn’t figure out how to “be in the world, but not of the world” and I just froze. And began waiting for someone else to come along and save me/us from the “matrix.” I’ve just been living in a holding pattern for years now. 

As Starseeds, we all come here for a purpose. If the point was just to “escape the matrix,” there doesn’t seem like there would be a point in coming at all. (Correct me if I’m wrong.)

It would be a very noble purpose to come to “change the matrix.” And I think that’s really what this woman means by an “exit strategy” since she’s not promoting murder, suicide, time travel, quantum shifting, space travel, etc. 

But that’s not why I’m here. My mission is to help others through the thoughts and feelings that come with being here “in the matrix” so that they can do what they came here to do. 

So. Why did I “fail?” How did I end up so overwhelmed that I wasn’t serving myself, my mission, or anyone else for years? Well, I think it was a lot of things…

  1. The matrix got extra scary and overwhelming.

  2. I stopped listening and talking with my intuition and God.

  3. I got too focused on the shoulds instead of what felt right.

  4. I wasn’t taking care of my vessel or listening to it and succumbed to dis-ease.

  5. I wasn’t practicing what I preach and living by example.

  6. I was too busy taking care of everyone else. 

  7. I was too proud to ask for help.

  8. I got swept up in trying to fit into the matrix and “just be normal.”

But that’s ok. It’s all ok. In fact, now that I’m coming out the other side of all that, I think it was meant to be. All of that was really big and really scary. It tested my faith, my marriage, my sense of purpose, my self-confidence and self-worth, my physical body/vessel, my mental health, every single one of my friendships and most of my other relationships, my business, and more. 

It’s been a long road and I don’t have it all figured out yet - if I did my mission would be over - but I’m ready to show up and do the work now. One day at a time.