See yourself in nature. And nature in yourself.

See yourself in nature. And nature in yourself.

Hey, hey! Long time, no see! As you probably know, I take the bulk of the summer off to spend with my kiddos. Coincidentally, when they are home for summer break and it also happens to also be the home/season of the Summer Solstice Sabbat - meaning it is energetically a powerhouse time of year for …

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Bitten by the Gardener Bug


Funny thing. I have a calling to garden. Work with plants. That sort of thing. And yet I seem to kill them all. Over water, under water, bugs. And yet I persist. 

When we moved to the sticks I had big plans of raised beds, hoop houses, green houses. But like a lot of my visions, I lacked the details and I tend not to be the sort to "wing it." So, nothing is happening. 

Sure, I've tried a few pots on the deck and seeds in the window. But that's it (and there hasn't been much success). 

Well, right now the bug is bitting me hard. Enough is enough. 

So, I planted a bunch of seeds in my window. Squash, beans, peas, pumpkins, you name it!

And then...I bought a greenhouse. It's still in the box. No telling how long the next stage of the process will take me. But I own a green house. I'm one step closer. 

And, I signed up with a friend for 2 plots at our local community garden! One plot has established strawberry plants. And the other is a blank slate. 

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I may end up with bushels of food.

Or not.

But my heart is happy. I'm excited. And this feels in alignment with my calling to commune with nature, get some functional exercise, and provide for my family in a sustainable way.  

Share your gardening tips for beginners, high altitude, and/or greenhouses here....