dear reader.

dear reader.

It has come to my attention that people aren't terribly clear about what I do. I'll admit it can be quite confusing because I do so many things and can be something different to each of my clients depending on where exactly it is that they need support. I am working to make this clearer for potential clients, but in the meantime, I wrote you this letter. My belief is that if you are watching and reading and listening to my "stuff," then you are in the right place. You belong here in my inner circle and I am here to help you find your compass. 

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marital bliss (sort of)

marital bliss (sort of)

Did you husband and I got engaged after dating for less than 5 months. At the age of 19. And we are still happily married 17+ years later. And the only reason he waited so long to ask me was because he was afraid he would scare me. Stranger yet, we barely knew each other before our first date and practically moved in together that day. And we haven't been apart (save a few mini vacations or business trips) since. 

I know this story is not the norm, but when we got together I really thought "we were different."

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