why i choose to be selfish.

Who is the real you?

Do you really, confidently know at your core?

My guess is, you have at least a few things you're proud of. A few things to show for your trips around the sun.

But do you toot your own horn? Or are you afraid you'll be seen as a braggart? 

Do you let your freak flag fly? Or are you afraid you'll be made fun of?

Do you speak your mind? Or are you afraid of confrontation?

Are you Selfish?

The word "selfish" has a bad rap. When you heard I was being selfish, you probably were braced for impact, right? 

But I'd like to challenge that belief with you here for a moment. What if instead it was just a word. It could be bad OR good. Better yet, what if we concerned ourselves more with the intention or the outcome of these "selfish" acts?

Selfish is defined as "lacking consideration for others." Which doesn't sound very nice. But, consider for a second what the opposite means for you. What do you think about living a life where everyone else is considered before you?

Shine Your Light

It's hard to be different. Because of this, we often we choose to shield our light as individuals. Dumb ourselves down. Blend in.

It's easier than standing out. Rocking the boat. Facing confrontation.

I'll be honest. This is the type of selfish I was for years. Sometimes I still am. 

I fear upsetting the status quo with my voice or actions. After all, if I'm standing alone, I must be the one that's wrong. Right?

Tell me you've never been there. You keep quiet to keep the peace. Instead, filling yourself with self-doubt. 

We do this to protect ourselves. This is done out of fear and insecurity, but really it can be quite selfish.

In other words, we are all guilty of this sin of selfishness regularly. (You may be right or wrong, but your opinion deserves to be heard. And, chances are, you aren't as alone as you think you are.) 

But I'd like to challenge you to a new kind of selfishness. 

Because the real truth is, you are a gift to this world. And by leading your authentic life, you can POSITIVELY shift the lives of others - creating an amazing ripple of impact. Far more so than by standing silently by. 

This is why the first kind of selfishness is so troublesome - because we are not only sitting idly by, but we are also withholding our gifts from the world. 

And it goes further still, you see by setting the example for living by destiny, you also inspire and encourage others to set aside the fear and live their true life...leaving their imprint on the world and creating their own ripples via their gifts and their example.

So, who are you really meant to be?

Many people die having never figured out the answers to this question. Or, when they find out, it is “too late” to do much or anything about it. Please don’t let that be you! 

To find these answers we need to prioritize and remove distractions. I'd like to challenge you this month to let go of convention and just be your innermost you.

When we live the way other’s expect us to, we lose. And so do they. 

Be brave enough to live the way you know you are meant to live.

Forget what is “right” or "normal" or expected and begin to put your attention on what is important to you.

What do you want from life?

If you knew you were going to die soon, what would you want to make sure you saw, said, did, shared, experienced, knew, etc.?

Focus on making those things happen – the things that help you be the best version of you that you can possibly be. The things that help you share your gifts and live your life purpose.

Take the time to make room for what matters, honor quality over quantity, cut the excess, remove distractions, and quit rushing.

Work to make your calendar reflective of your intentions, and leave the rest to the Joneses. Less really is more – the rest is just background noise.


To start, focus on living a simpler existence. In her book Organized Simplicity, Tsh Oxenreider says “Simple living is about living your life with a purpose that aligns with your values. It’s about enjoying the things you love and care about and not about stressing over the things that don’t matter…Living simply is about being who you were meant to be.”

My belief is that your purpose in this life is to live your own unique life experience. You are inimitable and powerful.

The combination of your personality and skills has the ability to be revolutionary and life changing to somebody (maybe even everybody) if you let yourself just be you.

But, if you hold back, shield yourself, put on blinders or block your unique light from the world, you are depriving the world of your true gifts and skills…and you will not fulfill your life purpose and destiny.

So which type of selfish are you going to be this month?

I'm here for you...

Depending how entrenched you are in people-pleasing, you may find yourself completely at a loss with this exercise. If you are struggling with this, may I help you find your way?

Click here to access my Earth Angel Alignment course. You'll receive a 25+ page workbook to support your self-awareness journey, my "Honor Your Intuition" guided meditation, support from other women who are finding their way alongside you, and more.