Is there even a goal?

A client this week asked me before the session  “What is the goal of the session?”

What a great question!

I talk to my clients and perspective clients a lot about:

  • the mechanics of the session - who does what and when
  • how energy work actually works
  • how they might feel before, during and after a session
  • and potential benefits - including results from actual clients

But this is almost entirely bigger picture stuff. The goal of the specific session and the subtleties that comes with that sometimes get skipped.  

So I wanted to take this opportunity to explain.

The goal for these sessions, particularly my Soul Pulse appointments, is to provide awareness and release which leads to healing.

It is my belief that we have every ability to heal our own selves – we just need to trust our intuition to guide us.

But in modern life, we are disconnected from our higher self, taught to trust the collective more, and surrounded by so much “noise” and pressure that we often can’t hear our body, mind or spirit even when we try. So the goal of a session is to:

  • give the body an opportunity to rest and reset (away from societal input)
  • take the time to focus on self-care
  • listen to your body, higher self, and spirit team
  • be a witness to your body and soul as it shares deep wisdom – simply listening is a powerful healing tool
  • reacquaint yourself with your intuition
  • feel heard - both through the energy work and also the coaching support
  • share deeply with another human being without fear of judgment
  • give yourself permission to feel, be, and do whatever feels right for you
  • honor your whole self - needs, strengths, struggles, gifts, and desires
  • acknowledge and put words to the feelings, inklings, notions, fears, beliefs, and stories
  • interrupt old patterns and habits to allow for a fresh start
  • release trauma, pain, limiting beliefs, false truths, and blocks
  • re-open the heart to unconditional love and possibilities
  • strengthen your connection to source and your spirit guides
  • and foster a sense of self-love, gratitude and trust in your own power

I'm sure there's so much more (unfortunately it escapes me at the moment), but I hope this give you a good picture. 

The process of reading, clearing, restoring, and supporting may sound "quick and easy" in passing but this is deep work. We (typically) did not get stuck, fester-y, sick, depressed, hopeless, frustrated, or fearful overnight. These wounds are profound. But they can be healed if we are willing to do the work: to bear witness, acknowledge, investigate, forgive, soothe, and allow to all takes great courage and trust. 

And when you are ready to try, I am ready to be your guide.