Playing God.
/The Loaded Questions of my "coming out" experience.
A few weeks ago, I was sharing a bit about what I do with some new friends and one of them asked me:
"So is it hard to sell that when you aren't perfect yourself?
I mean, you aren't perfect right?"
I could tell she immediately knew how disrespectful that sounded but it is a very fair question, right?
I also frequently get:
"So, are you claiming to be God? An angel? Miracle worker?"
Again, a fair question.
Either I struggle with stuff too - in which case, maybe my work isn't all that spectacular.
Or I'm claiming to be perfect - God-like - which is either: a ridiculously lofty claim, a religious sin, a bold-faced lie, or maybe means I'm not even human at all.
But here's the thing.
I'm not perfect. I would never claim to be God. I am 100% human. And I am on a journey just like each of you.
I came into this life with strengths and struggles. And I experience life just like each of you with freak accidents, normal human-human interactions, learning opportunities, illnesses, love, and so on.
All of this is part of my journey as a human being that contributes to my abilities and my business. I'm further along the path (in some ways) and I have learned tool (like energy work) that help me jump hurdles or get un-stuck faster than average. But I still experience hurts and set-backs, have fears and limiting beliefs, and live a very human existence.
Just as you wouldn't expect:
- your doctor to be 100% healthy all the time
- your dentist to be cavity free
- your massage therapist to never pull a muscle
- teachers to stop learning
- writers to forego an editor
- and so on
Energy Healers need healing sometimes. None of us are invincible. None of us are perfect.
We all need support in our own way.