Make the most of an eclipse....
/The best laid plans…
Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t.
This past weekend we had a wind storm and a power outage which left me working via generator in the driveway during the day and by candlelight at night (when I wasn’t chasing down lawn furniture and checking the shingles and pipes). Which means, very little got accomplished work-wise but these shifts are always good practice for stepping outside your comfort zone and seeing what you’re made of. :D
Anyways… so my plans to share eclipse ideas fell a little short. If you are on my email list or follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you hopefully saw this content (in some form) earlier this week. If not, be sure to follow me there as well - you just never know where I might pop up. (As a solopreneur, I don’t always manage to get everything posted everywhere, especially when the technology doesn’t cooperate ;) )
But now that I’m not juggling a million other things and through the thick of it myself, I wanted to share a few tips and ideas with you a little more intentionally.
As with any celestial event, everyone has a different take on when the energies and shifts occur, are strongest, etc. My personal opinion is that each event varies and your experience with each event will also be unique. Some people can often feel the shifts as early as a month out, though this is rare. Typically, 3-7 days is more common, with the 24-48 hours surrounding the event being the strongest.
And so, while this message will be getting to you “late,” all is not lost. Particularly if you are like me and tend to take a while to relinquish “control” and get out of resistance and/or if you have extended processing times.
In other words, it’s probably a little late for eclipse water and charging crystals (that’s ok, save the info for future events), but it is most certainly not too late to reflect, set intentions, heal old wounds, meet/greet your future self and step into that future-you energy.
So let’s get to it…
Eclipse Energies
In general, eclipses tend to be times of transformation.
This specific eclipse was a time to heal old wounds as well as taking your life in a new direction and grounding into that future-you energy.
Pretty exciting, right?
Make the most of it
Set your Intention - So again, eclipses are a time of transformation and this one in particular is a time for both healing old wounds and stepping into your future self. You will likely experience grounding into future-self energy and a new life direction after this event. So consider all of that when setting your intention, but ultimately listen to your intuition as you set your intention(s) - any intentions you are inclined to set may seem unrelated to the energies of this eclipse, but you never know where they might take you!
Eclipse Water - Starting within 24 hrs before (usually about 1 hour before) the eclipse is expected in your area, put out potable water. I like to choose a sunny area, not sure it matters. I prefer to use mini 4oz mason jars, like single use cups. Other people prefer large jars or bowls. Some people seal their jars, I don't. Again, trust your intuition. Speak your intention(s) over your water. You can continue to meditate with/over your water throughout the eclipse or seal and store after the eclipse is over. Use your water for drinking, coffee/tea, watering plants, charging crystals, offerings to your deities/angels/ or local wildlife/fairies etc (if applicable), diffusing, whatever inspires you. For example, I set out 6 small jars which are now seals and stored for later use as well as 1 larger jar which I used later that evening to water my indoor plants and fill my diffusers.
Charge Your Crystals - Again, there is no one set way to do this. I like to set all of mine out on a towel or cookie sheet. You might choose a select few and hold them in prayer or meditation during the eclipse instead. You might choose to research your crystals for the best charging methods (according to some people, some crystals should never be placed in the sun or in water). As always, I say “Trust your gut.”
Let Go of the Past and Step Forward into the Future - This will be different for everyone because we are all healing from and stepping into different things. And we access, process, receive, etc differently as well. Anything that helps you with your personal transformation is perfect. As always, follow your own intuition and guides when available to you, but if you need assistance, some things to consider would be: meditate, release, cut cords, pray, set intentions, speak affirmations and journal. Whatever feels right. My suggestion, try to take at least a few moments during the hour before/during/after the eclipse to honor the transformation that is occurring. More isn't necessarily better, feel into it and see what your body, mind and spirit need. If you want to Journal, see the suggested prompts in the link or image below. If you need more support via meditations, cord cuttings, releasing, receiving, etc - you will find a host of recordings that might suit your needs in my Meditation Subscription. I'm also available for private coaching after the eclipse to help you get in touch with your guides and intuition, learn to perform your own energy work, and more!
Connect to Soul, Source, & Community - While this eclipse is more about personal transformation, I believe we have become to separate from one another and that we all rise together. If you are comfortable with the idea, I ask during your meditations, etc. that after you do a brief personal cleansing and grounding you connect to other light beings so that we may support one another and the world. I did a demo in this video if you need help getting started.
Hopefully this list gives you some inspiration for your eclipse rituals. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need more support.
<3 Beth
PS - If you missed it in my last email, don't forget to grab your free Soul-Nourished Guide