11:11:11 - A Powerful Day for Manifesting
/Now Beth, you know it's 2018, right?
I hear you, and I’m not a numerologist myself, but here’s the deal…
2018 -> 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11
And that’s how numerology works.
Now Beth, you know it's 2018, right?
I hear you, and I’m not a numerologist myself, but here’s the deal…
2018 -> 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11
And that’s how numerology works.
Life is good! You’re happy and healthy. You have a loving family and a career you adore… and yet something is still missing. You see, your soul has a purpose and your body is the vessel needed to fulfill that mission. But modern life doesn’t really support soul-based living, which is why you feel so “off.”
It's time to: discover that purpose (if you don't already know it), energetically clear out anything that isn't serving you, and start living from the heart.
I can help.
About the Author
Beth Bunchman, MS
truth seeker, health nut, nature lover, author, coach, advocate, and healer
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