11:11:11 - A Powerful Day for Manifesting
/Now Beth, you know it's 2018, right?
I hear you, and I’m not a numerologist myself, but here’s the deal…
2018 -> 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11
And that’s how numerology works.
Now, why should we care?
Well, have you ever been fascinated and drawn to repeating numbers? Or find that you “always” look at the clock at 2:22 or 11:11 or 5:55? Or maybe you see repeating numbers elsewhere – signs, license plates, receipts?
Have you ever researched what those numbers mean? Because they do mean something! There is a reason you are seeing them!
For the purposes of today, we’re going to explore repeating ones because today is 11:11:11.
Repeating ones is something I see often – it means your spirit guides are looking out for you. Every time I see this repetition, it reminds me I’m never alone and always have support, regardless of whatever else is going on in my life or at the moment. It also helps me remember to breath, ground, and relax – which lessens my anxiety and brings me back to the present.
Understanding the symbolism of visions, dreams, and numbers often just boils down to the obvious. So, what does the number 1 look like to you?
A column? Antenna? Skyscraper?
Energetically, the number 1 acts as an antenna, or direct channel, between the spirit world and the Earth (matter). It our direct line to information from the spirit world – which often comes in the form of inspiration.
The more this number is repeated, the more powerful the connection.
So, tomorrow, preferably at/spanning 1:11 or 11:11, get comfy and do some meditating and journaling.
Stand tall, like that beautiful number 1, and close your eyes.
Do some cleansing breaths.
Release anything and everything that no longer serves you.
For 11 seconds, or 1 minute (depending on your channeling and visualizing abilities – you can estimate, don’t watch the clock), try to channel white light down from the heavens, through your crown, down your spine, and out the soles of your feet.
Send that light straight down into the center of the Earth.
Then, when you are ready, sit down with your journal. Ask your higher self, deity, or spirit team for divine inspiration. Then, write anything and everything that comes to you for 11 minutes. There is no filtering, censoring. No concern for legibility or spelling, punctuation or complete sentence. Just write. The pen never stops moving. Even if you get stuck, just keep moving the pen. The less you think, the better.
After 11 minutes, put the pen down and close your eyes for a moment. Re-adjust your seat, and read what you wrote. Look for common themes, repetition, anything that makes you emotional or leads to resistance, and anything that fills and warms your heart. Highlight those items or create a new list.
Then state out loud:
“I am now open to receive and experience
more __________ in my life.
I give myself permission to
embody this energy
and bring it forth into the universe.”
Now close your eyes, and visualize your new life, after you bring this energy into being. Spend the next 11 minutes visualizing and meditating on this future-present version of you, because this is who you are and always have been.
When you are ready, put one hand on your heart and the other on your belly and say “and so it is.”
Have a blessed 11:11:11.
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