You. Are. Love. - Rise with me!


Most gratitude journals, and even a good chunk of my book, are all about the mental. About changing your attitude. 

But the reason I want to offer this program, and rewrite my book, is because the real goal and purpose of a gratitude practice is to create a shift in your physical, mental AND energetic body for true vibrational healing.


The real deal is about aligning to our highest spiritual truth. Intrinsic gratitude is just part of the vehicle that gets you there.


You see, Gratitude is more than a feeling of appreciation or thanks. More than returning of kindness. And more than giving recognition to the sources of those kindnesses. Gratitude is also about seeing obstacles and struggles as an opportunity for growth – a gift of possibility and an affirmation of potential. And lastly, gratitude is the act of honoring these gifts and blessings and sharing them with the world. Rather than an intentional act, true gratitude is an intrinsic attitude – the essence of our mind and spirit, present in everything we do and are.


Really, true gratitude is just another expression of unconditional love.


Which means that, if we are truly living and being from a place, we aren’t just experiencing gratitude in our heads. Or even just in our hearts. We are gratitude. We are love. We are forgiveness and understanding. We are an expression of expanded consciousness. Which is serving your life purpose. Even if you don’t fully know what that purpose is yet.


And that’s what we’re going to do in this program. Use gratitude as a tool to rewire your brain (your physical body), shift your mental body, alter your vibration, heal on a soul level, and start living from a place that is a higher expression of your bigger truth.


But it’s NOT going to be list after list of “gratitude” – I assume you know how to do that.


We’re going to feel into the vibration of gratitude. 


Rewrite our stories and challenge the beliefs that keep us small.


Put on our Angel Eyes and see ourselves from a divine perspective.




And Embrace our powers.


There will be journaling but there will also be deep energetic work.



Are you ready?







Bitten by the Gardener Bug


Funny thing. I have a calling to garden. Work with plants. That sort of thing. And yet I seem to kill them all. Over water, under water, bugs. And yet I persist. 

When we moved to the sticks I had big plans of raised beds, hoop houses, green houses. But like a lot of my visions, I lacked the details and I tend not to be the sort to "wing it." So, nothing is happening. 

Sure, I've tried a few pots on the deck and seeds in the window. But that's it (and there hasn't been much success). 

Well, right now the bug is bitting me hard. Enough is enough. 

So, I planted a bunch of seeds in my window. Squash, beans, peas, pumpkins, you name it!

And then...I bought a greenhouse. It's still in the box. No telling how long the next stage of the process will take me. But I own a green house. I'm one step closer. 

And, I signed up with a friend for 2 plots at our local community garden! One plot has established strawberry plants. And the other is a blank slate. 

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I may end up with bushels of food.

Or not.

But my heart is happy. I'm excited. And this feels in alignment with my calling to commune with nature, get some functional exercise, and provide for my family in a sustainable way.  

Share your gardening tips for beginners, high altitude, and/or greenhouses here....